Boombat from the planet Bull is one of the best secret agents in the Galaxy. He arrives on Earth with an important secret mission — the only problem is that Boombat has missed what it is! Meanwhile, other space agents are disappearing, and at night menacing Growlers traverse the city.

This is a fun adventure story for primary school children about great courage, strong friendship and the victory of good, which everyone will love!

Who Is Boombat
  • A resident of Planet Bull and agent of the Bulldog Central Intelligence.
  • A favorite transport is a space convertible.
  • Balanced, non-conflict, effective in critical situations. Has an appearance of a cute red bulldog. Brave, tenacious and ready to help at any time.
  • He worries about his short stature and tries to prove that size is not a point.
  • When he is nervous, he has a habit to toot and feels ashamed of himself. But a sense of humor helps him to survive these moments of life.
  • A true friend.
  • He gets all jobs done, does not respect unprofessionalism.
  • When he has no clue what to do, he goes to bed, because the right decision always comes after sleep.
  • He wants peace in the whole Universe. Doesn’t tolerate fights and disrespect, however, if there is no way out, knows how to fight like a real warrior.
  • He dreams of learning to play football.

The Author

Anna Radomska is a Ukrainian author of children's books, journalist, and producer.

Anna was born in Kyiv in the family of doctors, however she decided to choose another way and become a journalist. For a long time she worked at a radio and the largest Ukrainian TV channels. She was a reporter, TV anchor, producer.

Having two sons, she was inspired to start writing stories for kids. That's how children's books "Poof in Egersund" and "All Dogs are from Outer Space" were created.

Anna strongly believes that the best stories are those you can get from real life. They should not be invented - you should notice things. She adores dogs for their genuine friendship, kindness, and devotion to people.

«Sometimes, when I watch my dog sitting by the window and staring dreamily at the sky, it seems that he knows much more than we can imagine. He looks like he came from another planet and is still waiting for a message from a spaceward. Nobody knows how to be friends as dogs know, they always forgive and tolerate us. And I believe they are on the Earth to teach us what is real and what is important. How to love someone without any reason, how to be kind to everyone, how to always be in a good mood. They know how to be an insanely curious person despite an age and be brave despite a size, how to be devoted to people and to their mission! »